Second Edition"
Best Practices"
& Slides
Are you (or will you be) developing with with .NET?
The following comments have been recorded for
No way!
- This wetisbe makes things hella easy. (17 Oct 2015 00:00)
- This is year 2015 yet it is a NO! (16 Apr 2015 00:00)
- Don't like it (25 Apr 2013 00:00)
- There are some good points but I didn't like the way MS shunned Java then based their platform on it's model. (14 Aug 2007 00:00)
- Do I want to commit suicide? (24 Feb 2007 00:00)
- I have to use it for some things at work and I HATE, HATE, HATE IT! It is monstrously complex and very inflexible, brittle and unreliable. Avoid it like the plague that it is! (11 Jan 2006 00:00)
- .NET should go to hell!!!! (17 Sep 2004 00:00)
- I have to use it at work - verry unreliable (29 Feb 2004 00:00)
- .NOT (24 Feb 2004 00:00)
- nicrosoft stinks (31 Jul 2003 00:00)
- !(my_kinda_way.equals(.NET)) (28 May 2003 00:00)
- i stay away fom the microsoft lockin (21 Oct 2002 00:00)
- never microsoft (25 Sep 2002 00:00)
- .net sucks ! (25 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Java is all I need (24 Sep 2002 00:00)
- I'm focusing all my efforts on that new language based on Sandscrit (23 Sep 2002 00:00)
- .net is evil (23 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Another stupid MS strategy (23 Sep 2002 00:00)
- .net sucks (22 Sep 2002 00:00)
- ff (20 Sep 2002 00:00)
- .NET sucks ! (19 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Java is teh best solution (18 Sep 2002 00:00)
- I am happy with java. (18 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Never (17 Sep 2002 00:00)
- hope never to get involved in using Micros*ck products! (13 Sep 2002 00:00)
- trying to go purely Java (13 Sep 2002 00:00)
- fuck that! (11 Sep 2002 00:00)
- cos I've been using Oracle & Java (11 Sep 2002 00:00)
- No, J2EE is the way to go ... (10 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Yuch...Micrsoft stuff. (9 Sep 2002 00:00)
- I would rather rip my spleen out of my rib cage with my bare hands, throw it on the floor and stomp on it until I was dead than develop in .Net. (9 Sep 2002 00:00)
- .NOT licks the sweat of a dead mans balls....
(5 Sep 2002 00:00)
- I'll code in .NOT just as soon as I'm damned to hades....
(5 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Fuck off! (4 Sep 2002 00:00)
- Linux for all (1 Sep 2002 00:00)
- The Worst Technology ever !
(31 Aug 2002 00:00)
- .Net does not fit into my brain. Wrong configuration of puzzle pieces. No religious war, I'm just a Sun kinda guy. (30 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Java is the coolest yet most compatible programming language ever (30 Aug 2002 00:00)
- I'm not a Gates' slave. (23 Aug 2002 00:00)
- It's microsoft. (16 Aug 2002 00:00)
- I'd sooner take a dive in a cesspool (15 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Only J2EE is my choice. (14 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Never ever bo bever fanana fanna fo fever! (14 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Ha ha ha! Good one! (12 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Until MS can tell us exactly what it is and firm up security and stop trying to control the whole process, we aren't going to touch it with a 10 foot pole. (11 Aug 2002 00:00)
- .Not Even Thinking about it! (11 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Java is da future! (9 Aug 2002 00:00)
- When Java is Providing all the required Services, there is no way, to enter .NET, which is very much similar to Java. (8 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Too much like Java, may as well use Java instead (4 Aug 2002 00:00)
- .Net sucks!!! (3 Aug 2002 00:00)
- M$ sucks! (1 Aug 2002 00:00)
- Will wait, probably 5-6 years. (1 Aug 2002 00:00)
- hell no (31 Jul 2002 00:00)
- j2ee is much more mature. (26 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! (25 Jul 2002 00:00)
- NEVER MICROSOFT (25 Jul 2002 00:00)
- it's a bit too much control out of my hands. (25 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Java <--> Flash MX (24 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Why on earth would I want to go with a proprietary solution proposed and controlled by convicted monopolists who have never written usable software in their 30 years of existence? (24 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Why use something so incredibly immature when J2EE is superior! (23 Jul 2002 00:00)
- It should have been called .NOT (21 Jul 2002 00:00)
- l
(19 Jul 2002 00:00)
- .NET??? don't NET (17 Jul 2002 00:00)
- No I will developing with J2EE (17 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Gak! No Way! (17 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Never shall I fall to the Dark Side1 (17 Jul 2002 00:00)
- I go the java way! (17 Jul 2002 00:00)
- f**k .net (16 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Single platform technology doesn't make sense to me. (13 Jul 2002 00:00)
- java rulez
open source rulez (12 Jul 2002 00:00)
- I'm preffer to use Java, it's a lot more cheaper and have alot of community around the globe. Beside I don't have money to buy .NET :) (12 Jul 2002 00:00)
- It sux (11 Jul 2002 00:00)
- are u kidding me? +) (10 Jul 2002 00:00)
- .NET is bullshit. I'd rather grow potatoes in Mexico than program that garbage. (10 Jul 2002 00:00)
- i am apache/tomcat/linux guy
I reserve complete control over my development work, I like the freedom of choice and high quality opensource (4 Jul 2002 00:00)
- never ever in my whole life (3 Jul 2002 00:00)
- I believe in open standards. (3 Jul 2002 00:00)
- i am offended by the blatant ripoff of Java concepts/ideas/technology that .net is. (3 Jul 2002 00:00)
- Ummm, maybe when there is an App Server to run it on.... (2 Jul 2002 00:00)
- all stolen...!! (28 Jun 2002 00:00)
- It is my 1 cent for a free world. (27 Jun 2002 00:00)
- Avoid! Avoid! AVOID! (27 Jun 2002 00:00)
- It's a non-standard language (21 Jun 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft technology sucks!*WINK* Not really. .NET framework is a pretty interesting concept and I have been thru the blueprint but when it comes to development, my hand is up for sun. :) (21 Jun 2002 00:00)
- After one month trial of .NET, my current client decided to go 100% j2ee (20 Jun 2002 00:00)
- I generally avoid monopolies, particularily criminal ones. (13 Jun 2002 00:00)
- only when i must (13 Jun 2002 00:00)
- Are you nucking futs? (10 Jun 2002 00:00)
- I do not like MS ! (10 Jun 2002 00:00)
- No way la yaw ... (8 Jun 2002 00:00)
- No need for it--Java has been doing this type of thing for years. M$ late arrival again. (8 Jun 2002 00:00)
- I don't want Microsoft to OWN the Internet! (7 Jun 2002 00:00)
- We started a large project and had to abandon it because .net was such junk. (7 Jun 2002 00:00)
- I Like my flexibility (6 Jun 2002 00:00)
- We're going all Java baby! (4 Jun 2002 00:00)
- Why would I want to lock myself and my code down to the evil empire. Lack of portability and all the other real coders would make fun of me :P
.Net is for those who either have to do so because of their job, are ms kissups, or do not want to learn (or are unable to grasp) a real, platform independent programming language. (2 Jun 2002 00:00)
- 110% Java -0% .NET (1 Jun 2002 00:00)
- M$ .NO Thanks!!! (1 Jun 2002 00:00)
- No way! (1 Jun 2002 00:00)
- Java rules... (31 May 2002 00:00)
- The exciting thing about working with MicroSoft code is that since it's proprietary they can do what they want with the standard. As often as they want. (30 May 2002 00:00)
- I've invested too much on java
I don't like microsoft monopol (30 May 2002 00:00)
- It cut my comp speed in half, took up a crapload of memory, and was just too big and too complex. So much for RAD! (30 May 2002 00:00)
- To proprietary. (30 May 2002 00:00)
- I don't marry with ancient and proprietary technologies. (29 May 2002 00:00)
- Why would I even think of it? I have everything (and more) that I need with Java. Millions of developers, tens of platforms, reliability, scalability... The possibilities are endless with Java. (29 May 2002 00:00)
- The latest MS attempt to own the IT world for a (too-high) price? Forget it. OpenSource is the way to go. (29 May 2002 00:00)
- Java Rocks, no chance. (29 May 2002 00:00)
- it's not a langage, it's an idea not finished for a langage ( java is more easy and more strict ) (29 May 2002 00:00)
- .NET is a pirated version of J2EE (28 May 2002 00:00)
- One can only ride one horse at a time. Java is the one horse I've chosen. (28 May 2002 00:00)
- There are some major security problems and issues. (28 May 2002 00:00)
- I've already tested .net but it is still buggy and missed important features and stability. Java&J2EE have major advantages on this point ! MS.net portability is a fake out of MS world, so i better still keep here on a real world neo ;-) (28 May 2002 00:00)
- It's a "win32-only" alternative (27 May 2002 00:00)
- What kind of question is this to ask at a Java sight? Java is obviously superior. (25 May 2002 00:00)
- Java suits me just fine. (25 May 2002 00:00)
- I have no plans to utilize .Net for any development, though I do plan to learn enough about it so as to be able to provide convincing arguments as to why J2EE is a better way to go.
Certainly there are sufficient reasons for using J2EE instead of .Net that I already know, but being conversant in .Net should provide the additional credibility that may be required to fully convince potential clients to adopt a J2EE solution instead. (23 May 2002 00:00)
- .Net sucks (22 May 2002 00:00)
- I'd rather clean toilets ! (22 May 2002 00:00)
- i'll hope nobody will (22 May 2002 00:00)
- .NET sucks! (22 May 2002 00:00)
- .Net == bollox (22 May 2002 00:00)
- - (22 May 2002 00:00)
- I'm a UNIX sysadmin. It's not gonna happen in this job! (21 May 2002 00:00)
- .NET sucks!! (20 May 2002 00:00)
- To all the guys that are interested in .NET: You should use your brain wisely by reading about Sun ONE. This is it!!!! (19 May 2002 00:00)
- .NYET! (17 May 2002 00:00)
- How can I leave JAVA ????? (17 May 2002 00:00)
- Would you like fry's with that burger? (16 May 2002 00:00)
- Rather not sell my soul (or the sould of my customers) the the proprietary Beast of Redmond (16 May 2002 00:00)
- J2EE rulezzzzzzzzz (15 May 2002 00:00)
- Its sounds good in concept, but previous experience with M$ has me too biased to do anything but stay away! (14 May 2002 00:00)
- M$ suckz a lot!!! (14 May 2002 00:00)
- It's a trap! JAVA needs to be open soured though. Not like Netscape but while it's still popular! (14 May 2002 00:00)
- loser technology (13 May 2002 00:00)
- It sucks!! (13 May 2002 00:00)
- ????? (13 May 2002 00:00)
- I'm using Java. (13 May 2002 00:00)
- r u kidding ? (13 May 2002 00:00)
- .PUBLISH and .RELICENSE every .QUARTER for the rest of your .LIFE.. (19 Apr 2002 00:00)
- no microsoft (19 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Java will remain an important platform, even if .NET thrives. (19 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .NET is vaporware. How can microsoft try to compete with Java? It rocks! (19 Apr 2002 00:00)
- SOAP? sure. .NET? No way (18 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Why feed the unsatiable beast? (16 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .NET is Flop (15 Apr 2002 00:00)
- to many layers to get to OS
about as good as MFC
lets put a pink elaphant in a toto and expect it to be gracefull Jason Quick Win32(API) Developer (15 Apr 2002 00:00)
- expense and add overhead are not justified, from a business or computer science stand point (15 Apr 2002 00:00)
- why be a chump? (15 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Will always stick with Java. (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- shit (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I love Java. I think Java platform will save the tech world. I would like to thank SUN, IBM, BEA, ORACLE, HP & others for thier relentless contribution. I dont think .NET has chance but what MS has is money and they can buy support. This is what I fear. Java is way superior than .Net. I have looked at .Net and it has the same old crap from MS. It is time for corporate world to listen to programmers like us not MS marketing. (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .NET may be nice from an architectural point of view, but I don't want to use it because I believe Microsoft has too much power and is abusing it.
/Ernst de Haan (znerd at FreeBSD dot org) (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- wacala (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft is EVIL (13 Apr 2002 00:00)
- No (12 Apr 2002 00:00)
- It will be catastrophic! (12 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Gotta be portable. Plus, once you let the Microsoft camel stick its nose in the tent, you get the whole camel. (11 Apr 2002 00:00)
- it's shit! (11 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Increasingly complex software developement is an engineering discipline. Java in all of it's flavors is engineered, .Net and most MS junk is slapped together junk, not engineered. (11 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Too clumsy framework. Java combined with XML is the future not .Net (10 Apr 2002 00:00)
- We don't like the monopolisters like MS.
If we enter into the .NET we will loose our freedom. It is like a tick which leads to a definitive Jail for the developers (10 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I'm working with java because I need platform independance. What will I do if my customer works with Unix or Linux? (10 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I am die Hard J2EE developer. - Jagdeep Singh (9 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I have tried C# I think microsoft
has done another sloppy work like VB. It has too many holes which will never be fixed because of windows. (9 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Why use .NET when I can use J2EE (8 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .NOT!.NFW!
.WHY? (8 Apr 2002 00:00)
- anything MS is a poison (8 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Sure it's probably easy to use but Microsoft Security is a freakin joke! J2EE has been around a lot longer and is a lot more secure. (8 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I work with Linux and .NET is nowhere in the vicinity (8 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I don't trust it. (7 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I love java than anything (6 Apr 2002 00:00)
- yuck (6 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Absolutely, positively, NOT ! ! ! (5 Apr 2002 00:00)
- I am more interested in open source and I believe in it a lot. So, I am sticking with Java. (5 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .NET sucks !!! (5 Apr 2002 00:00)
- .net is quite new (4 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft will never beat the power of JAVA!!! (4 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Java is sufficient! (4 Apr 2002 00:00)
- why should I become a slave under miýro$soft? they claim thay you will be able to run applications "anywhere, anyhow and on any device", but that's not entirely true, just as long as it's copyrighted and totally dependend on miýro$soft! :P (4 Apr 2002 00:00)
- No self-respecting CIO would allow his data center applications to run on any WinTel based host. (4 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Why are so many just lapping up an unproven technology? (3 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Too platform specific, too expensive and too restrictive (3 Apr 2002 00:00)
- not if Java keeps going the way I think it will! (2 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Open source (1 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Java all the way, baybee! (1 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Because i like java and only anser for this question.... (1 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Lets make a copy of java and change some keywords around. (1 Apr 2002 00:00)
- Lousy piece of software to con unsuspecting and innocent developers (31 Mar 2002 00:00)
- To fall into Microsoft's bait-and-switch trap again? I don't think so... (30 Mar 2002 00:00)
- java is good enough for me (30 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Sticking with open standards. Foole me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on *me*. (29 Mar 2002 00:00)
- It's Microsoft. No comment necessary. (29 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Even if .NET were free and was ten times better I wouldn't use anything from those corrupt people in Redmond (29 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I have never used any microsoft sdk in my 10 years of programming. I am forced to use win2k at work and sooner or later will convince my boss to install redhat/kde :-) (28 Mar 2002 00:00)
- If your Boss won't let you programm in JAVA QUIT
.NET = Next Extinct Toy (27 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I prefer Java Technology (27 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I have no immediate plans to do so. Currently Java fits all of my needs and runs on the platforms that I need. When .NET runs on Solaris and Linux then I might consider it. (26 Mar 2002 00:00)
- pure java (except openssl for PKI) (26 Mar 2002 00:00)
- not yet not ever (26 Mar 2002 00:00)
- No need.
You will never have everything under one roof.
(25 Mar 2002 00:00)
- i love sun not bill (25 Mar 2002 00:00)
- just J2EE > MS (25 Mar 2002 00:00)
- The day .NET becomes my only career option is the day I leave this profession. (25 Mar 2002 00:00)
- My analogy is that .NET/C# is like freeze-dried coffee and any good coffee connoisseur
knows you can't beat all-natural java when it comes to taste. (24 Mar 2002 00:00)
- When Hell Freezes Over. (24 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'll be a starving coder before then! (23 Mar 2002 00:00)
- filthy ms technology (22 Mar 2002 00:00)
- .net is just an attempt from MS to protect them from the Java tsunami. But this is already too late for them ... By pushing .net and cuttin their legacy stuffs they just legitimate Java and force their user to migrate to a new platform. This is a great opportunity for the Java community ! (22 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I believe this is a poor marketing ploy from microsoft it disalows portability and ties you to microsoft's OS's this is not a wise way to base your product if you are developing and want to appeal to the whole market (21 Mar 2002 00:00)
- J2EE is the way to go (21 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Screw Microsoft! (21 Mar 2002 00:00)
- php is all you need (21 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Why go back 2 or 3 years in the past? To help MS debug buggy software to profit? No thanks. Use Java. Learn takes time and time IS money. (20 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I don't like the way microsoft is doing it's business - I mean I wont support a company, whose sole interest is not in making software for people, but who wants to dominate the world.
And allthough technically well designed it is not as big as ms wants it to be - it's another stack and bytecode based IL, like java and yes it has support for webservices but these can (and should be) developed with other technologies as well. (20 Mar 2002 00:00)
- what is .net? :-D (20 Mar 2002 00:00)
- It's not so easy as it seems to be. My nose's sniffed problems with .NET technology. (20 Mar 2002 00:00)
- U are sure to get a truckload of bugs for free (19 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft is crap. (19 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I belive that much less evasive techology is out there with much more potential
than a platform that is by no means an original concoctation
of microsoft... Java is out pacing the .NET platform with web services, xml , and mobile api's... (19 Mar 2002 00:00)
- that's the main reason why I don't like Microsoft every 1-2 years something new. Asp or whatever - never again!!!!
cYa DBass (19 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Sorry but I'm Java fun and my CPU ( head ) hasn't enough computing capabilities to deal with another net philosophy. The second reason is portability - I don't like to work for and on Windows. (17 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Java rules, .net sux. (17 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Though the .Net platform may be better integrated with better tools, i dont like being locked in with one vendor...that too...microsoft. ugh! (16 Mar 2002 00:00)
- This is just what the IT world needs: another Microsoft toy. (16 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I favour platform independence (15 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I would rather get my teeth pulled out through my anus! (14 Mar 2002 00:00)
- SOAP is plenty for now. (13 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. (13 Mar 2002 00:00)
- In the UK, most companies are opting for J2EE for enterprise applications. .Net seems more destined for smaller organisations and won't get into larger organisations. (13 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'm for J2EE all the way (13 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'd rather have my eyelids boiled in sewage before using .NET. (12 Mar 2002 00:00)
- am staying well away from this world takeover / proprietry crap! strictly open standards! (12 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Marriage with Microsoft ? (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Until the day Microsoft embraces Java, I'll be staying far away from any web services implementation they may bake up. (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Are you kidding?!? (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Not no, but hell no! (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- same wine in new bottle (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft must die! (11 Mar 2002 00:00)
- years late and a dollar short (even though M$ is rich) (9 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Don't really see any benefit from trying it out. Besides, having big Sun iron, can't do much with it. (9 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Never 'll use MS !! (8 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Why give Microsoft another foothold?? (8 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Developers would be wise to avoid Microsoft. (8 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Why bother? (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Microsoft sucks (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Mr T says ".NET is for .SUCKAHS!" (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Hard to do on a linux platform (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- too new (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- To sit through a session on COM+ , almost made me seek therapy... why would any one bother ?? (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- using solaris an windows nt (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- .NOT (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- .NET = Nice and Eloquent Try to fake platform independence (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I am sick of hearing about .NET from everywhere. Microsoft can market all they want but when it comes to productivity, any time I have to use one of their products I run into tons of bugs. I would have to be forced into using .NET. I already use SQL Server, isn't that enough troubles for one person? (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- It takes 3 versions for Microsoft to get anything right. Anyway .NET does not make any sense for large organizations strategically. It probably makes some sense for small-to-medium size organizations if they are a Microsoft shop. (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- With less than 25% of sites even able to use it and minimal industry support, you would have to have a death wish to even propose using it! (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Our products must serve all platforms. J2EE wins by default. (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Not until the devil experiences hypothermia! (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Java developers community and open source projects synergy offers a broad range high quality low cost applications building blocks.JDOM :), Apache Jakarta projects to name a few.
Portability brings selling opportunities to a product in many ways.
(7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I hope. (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Are you kidding me? ;-) (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'm working for a big international company that doesn't want its website to be dependent on Microsoft's whims. Not only speed of development counts, but also maintenance. (7 Mar 2002 00:00)
- The last thing I would do unless my employer say I must. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Try to stay away from MS technology as possible. So far it works very well for us. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Why would I leave the pervasiveness, safety and power of the UNIX world for a fragile crystalline island? (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Sorry, just can't bring myself to fill Billy's coffers any further. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Because .net emulates the Java architecture so much it should be easy for vendors to provide products that will port Java code to net if it were necessary without having to leave Java. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- The Windows lock-in is not really acceptable for the kind of software I'm working on. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- over my dead body... (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Found absolutely no reason to do so. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Wild horses wouldn't get me near it !!! (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Windows has inherent I/O weakness problem! And of course security & reliability. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I will not buy into yes another micr$oft's scheme to steal the internet. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- staying away from ms, proprietary, non-standard technologies. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- I'm staying informed about it, but as far as I can see C# is just Java with a few unnecessary additions. It's unclear exactly what .NET is or what it will be. I think the whole thing is more marketing BS. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Only if I want to lock myself into Windows.... (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- May I never ever enter that MS pit of evil. Believe me, software developer preferences and advocacy work in my buisness, and I will be a strong advocate against .NET . (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Think the unthinkable. .Net is has already gone the way of WAP. Its the emperors new clothes all over again. (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- Its just more MS bulls**t ! (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
- java is the best (6 Mar 2002 00:00)
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© 1999-2005 Jason Hunter
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Last updated:
March 1, 2009